For the 2021 edition, IFP School's traditional Partner Companies Event has become the Partner Companies Evenings. This event aims to bring together players in the energy and powertrains sectors with IFP School students.
It is a unique opportunity for our partner companies to identify their future employees and for our students to identify job opportunities and careers.
Due to the health crisis, the Partner Companies Evenings will take place remotely from May 31st to June 11th, 2021, starting at 4:45 p.m.
The event will be organized as follows:
- From May 31st to June 4th: companies will be able to present their activities and promote their brand;
- then from June 7th to June 11th: during workshops, students will have the opportunity to exchange with professionals from different sectors in order to better understand the diversity of professions and recruitment processes.
Your contact: Ghislaine FILLION