Video clips to tackle the energy transition

5 January 2022
Video clips to tackle the energy transition

Starting January 10, 2022 with the support of TotalEnergies Foundation and in association with the Fondation Tuck, IFP School will offer 10 free video clips (5 to 10 minutes long) to discover the challenges of the energy transition and the sector’s innovations for a low-carbon energy mix.

This new offer is based on the 3rd edition of the MOOC on "Energy Transition: innovation for a low-carbon future", which was followed by nearly 12,000 learners in 2021.

The videos will be available in English with French and Spanish subtitles. They will be freely available from January 10 to February 28, 2022 and will cover the following topics:



  • sustainable development scenarios (<2°C);
  • the risks on a growing demand for low carbon technologies minerals;
  • renewables techno-economics fundamentals;
  • offshore wind challenges: cap on innovation!;
  • natural gas: reduction of GHG emissions and decarbonization;
  • native hydrogen;
  • CO2 storage: mimicking natural gas underground storage;
  • negative CO2 emissions: introducing BECCS;
  • steam trap and Internet of Things (IoT);
  • bio-based chemicals.

This series, which represents 2 to 4 hours of learning, will be punctuated by 7 games. If they obtain more than 60% of correct answers overall, participants will earn a badge attesting to their success and understanding of the subject.

As a bonus, a live discussion with IFP School lecturers, specialists in issues related to energy transition, will be offered on February 17 at 5:30 pm (Paris time).
Don’t miss this web series by registering here !