Sponsored positions and apprenticeship offers

Almost all IFP School students are sponsored by a company or an institution that contributes to their training and education costs, as well as to their living expenses during their studies. The following offers are offered by the School's partner companies. This non-exhaustive list is subject to change as the recruitment campaign progresses.

Sponsored positions and apprenticeship offers are published during IFP School's application period, which runs from November to March.

37 companies

Sponsoring offer Perenco

Programs Petroleum Engineering and Project Development, Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering and Energy and Processes
Logo de Perenco

Apprenticeship offers IFPEN

Programs Energy and Powertrains, Powertrain Engineering, Energy and Markets, Petroleum Engineering and Project Development, Petroleum Geosciences/Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering
IFPEN's logo

Apprenticeship offers ENGIE

Programs Energy and Markets, Petroleum Engineering and Project Development, Petroleum Geosciences/Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering
ENGIE's logo