The students of the IFP School class of 2022 are back on the Rueil-Malmaison campus. On December 7, they took part in a day dedicated to "soft skills”.
Accompanied by specialized coaches, the students participated in one of the 10 workshops of their choice:
- Communication: Become Great Communicators
- Negotiation: the art of getting what you want
- Conflict Resolution: Find agreement and overcome differences
- Develop a range of skills linked to Self-Management
- Stress management: Keep a healthy work life balance and become more efficient
- Time Management: Match your daily routine with your nature
- Leadership & Management: Leading with alignment
- Leadership & Management : Management de soi et des autres (in French)
- Working together worldwide: How to better work together in multicultural teams
- Relationships in a multicultural environment: Leveraging international diversity to increase effectiveness
"In the energy and sustainable mobility sectors, jobs are changing rapidly and the skills required are constantly being renewed. Soft skills are largely an ability to react, manage and adapt. Through role-playing, we aim to prepare our students for their professional lives," explains Olivier Lerat, Supervisor of the Petroleum Geosciences program and Project Manager.
"These workshops aim to help them deepen their assets, clarify what is important to them, discover their own resources, open up to new approaches and learn ways of doing things that are more effective for them" he adds.