Specialized Engineering Graduate Degree

Ten industry-oriented graduate programs, leading to a specialized engineering degree or an IFP School master’s degree, which are organized into four major fields in energy and transportation:    

 Powertrains and Sustainable Mobility   
 Energy Economics and Management
 Processes for Energy and Chemicals
 Georesources and Energy

Energy and Markets

The energy sector is in the midst of a profound transformation and is seeking to hire young professionals equipped with both practical skills and a comprehensive understanding of the field. Our Energy and Markets program provides an outstanding education. It offers you the chance to acquire high-level, energy, environment, economy, business modeling skills and an in-depth understanding of the industrial dynamics observed in the renewables energy sector (wind, solar, etc), but also in oil, gas, energy efficiency and related markets.

Energy and Powertrains

For sustainable mobility on land, air and sea, every form of transport is impacted by environmental concerns. Energy efficiency of engines is achieved through electrification and hybridization, important subjects addressed in our Energy and Powertrains program, developed in close partnership with companies within the sector to address their need for expertise.

Processes and Polymers

The fast-moving industry of polymers is based on innovation and new markets. Always facing new challenges, talents are searched to develop new trends such as energy efficient processes, bioplastics manufacturing and plastics recycling. Our Processes and Polymers program offers skills for the petrochemical and polymer companies, in a multicultural environment: a recognized Master program where you will embrace a sector where innovation knows no bounds!

Energy and Products

Did you know that compatibility of an engine/fuel pairing is a critical challenge in the development of more sustainable transport? Energy efficiency of engines, hybridization, alternative fuel development: for each of these challenges, the best technological options must be developed to ensure compliance with increasingly demanding environmental standards and to meet society’s expectations.