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Published on 11/07/2022

Happy vacations to all!

The academic year 2021-2022 is coming to an end. IFP School wishes you a wonderful vacation, a great internship or a good return to the company for apprentices.
Happy vacation

Published on 06/07/2022

An educational tool to discover hybrid and electric powertrains

Alexandre Domène, Pierre Savignac and Kévin Tocaben, students in IFP School's Energy and Powertrains program, have designed an educational tool on hybrid and electric propulsion systems to support the training of future students at the School.
Educational tool developed by 3 IFP School students

Published on 17/06/2022

The 2022 Graduation Ceremony

This Saturday, June 11, IFP School celebrated its young graduates of the class of 2021.
The 2021 Class on board of Le Paquebot

Published on 08/06/2022

Conference on the energy and economic stakes of the war in Ukraine for Europe

As part of a conference organized on May 25 by the Club of the Center for Prospective Studies and International Information (CEPII*), Olivier Massol (Professor at IFP School) and Lionel Ragot (CEPII, University of Paris Nanterre) presented the main conclusions of a policy brief dedicated to the energy and economic stakes of the war in Ukraine for Europe.
Cover of the Policy Brief CEPII

Published on 03/06/2022

An "Energy Games" afternoon for the students of the Class of 2022

The Energy Games, organized each year by the members of the IFP School Student Office (BDE), are one of the School’s flagship events. This year, the Energy Games took place on June 2nd, 2022 at the Stade du Parc in Rueil-Malmaison.
Sumo lors des Energy Games 2022