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Published on 03/06/2020

Launch of the new CarMa Chair website

IFP School has just launched a new website dedicated to the Chair on "Carbon Management and negative CO2 emissions technologies towards a low carbon future" (CarMa).
The new CarMa Chair website

Published on 28/05/2020

IFP School wins the 2020 IBA Europe

On May 25th and 26th a group of five IFP School students won the European competition of the Imperial Barrel Award.
An IFP School team won the 2020 Imperial Barrel Award Europe

Published on 06/05/2020

Virtual conference on smart grids

On April 28 Valérie-Anne Lencznar, Managing Director of the association Think Smartgrids, gave a virtual conference on the energy transition and smart grids via Zoom.
Conference on smart grids

Published on 06/05/2020

The Great Energy Debate

Four students from the Energy and Processes program organized a virtual conference on the topic of the Energies of Tomorrow on April 29th.
The Great Energy Debate